What is Myofascial Dry Cupping?

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative therapy which dates back to ancient Egyptian, Chinese and Middle Eastern cultures. During cupping, therapists apply glass, bamboo or silicone cups to the skin for a few minutes to create suction. The application of cups can be used to treat a variety of conditions such as:

  • Muscle pain and tension
  • Chronic injury
  • Reduced joint movement
  • Headaches
  • Back pain and sciatica
  • Stress and anxiety

During Dry Cupping, the cups are placed over several areas to create a vacuum which lifts the soft tissue and creates an upward stretch within the muscle and associated fascia. This vacuum lift helps to increase in blood flow and induces a stretch effect, which results in a reduction in muscle tension and associated pain.

Dry cupping works well in conjunction with traditional sports and deep tissue massage, as the lifting effect provided from the cups works synergistically with the downward pressure application of manual massage.


How does Dry Cupping work?

Initially the vacuum application of the cup pulls blood into an area. This leads to the effected tissue becoming saturated with fresh blood. This saturation can often leave a circular mark, which is consistent with a hicky or love bite mark. However, this usually disappears after a day or so and happens to a lesser extent on subsequent treatments.

Neovascularisation (new blood vessel formation), occurs in response to blood being draw into the tissue. This leads to an increase in nutrient and oxygen content within the localised area.

Due to the vacuum effect, the soft tissue often experiences micro-trauma and separation between the tissue layers. The body responds to this micro-trauma by stimulating an inflammatory response, which is the natural process of healing. During this stage, the body releases chemicals such as white blood cells, platelets and fibroblasts to initiate healing.

Finally, the stretch that is produced in the soft tissue and fascia leads to a relaxation effect within the muscle, which results improved range of motion and performance.

In summary, Dry Cupping helps aid soft tissue injuries and reduce pain or discomfort by:

  • Increasing localised circulation
  • Increasing oxygenation and nutrient content within the tissue
  • Removing stagnant blood and waste products
  • Re-initiating the healing process to micro-trauma
  • Stretches fascia and connective tissue, which leads to a relaxation response..

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